Copper Alloys

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Copper and Copper Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes

Copper and Copper Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes


ERCu filler metals are made of deoxidized copper, but also may contain one or more of the following elements: phosphorus, silicon, tin, manganese, and silver.
ERCu filler metals generally are used for the welding of deoxidized and electrolytic tough pitch copper.


In ERCuNi filler metals, the nickel addition strengthens the weld metal and improves the corrosion resistance, particularly against salt water.
The weld metal has good hot and cold ductility. Copper-nickel filler metals are used for welding most copper-nickel alloys.


ERCuSi-A filler metals are copper-base alloys containing approximately 3% silicon; they may also contain small percentages of manganese, tin, or zinc.
They are used for gas tungsten and gas metal arc welding of copper-silicon and copper-zinc base metal, to themselves and also to steel.


ERCuSn-A (Phosphor Bronze) filler metals contain about 5 percent tin and up to 0.35 percent phosphorus added as a deoxidizer.
ERCuSn-A filler metals can be used to weld bronze and brass. They also can be used to weld copper if the presence of tin in the weld metal is not objectionable.


ERCuAl-A1 filler metal is an iron-free aluminum bronze.
It is recommended for use as a surfacing metal for wear-resistant surfaces having relatively light loads, for resistance to corrosive media such as salt or brackish water, and for resistance to many commonly used acids in varying concentrations and temperatures. This alloy is not recommended for joining.


ERCuAl-A2 filler metal is an iron-bearing aluminum bronze and is generally used for joining aluminum bronzes of similar composition: manganese, silicon bronzes, some copper-nickel alloys, ferrous metals and dissimilar metals.
The most common dissimilar metal combinations are aluminum bronze to steel and copper to steel. This alloy also is used to provide wear- and corrosion-resistant surfaces.

Nominal Chemical Composition (%) of Copper and Copper Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes
GRADE Cu+Ag Zn Sn Mn Fe Si Ni+Co P Al Pb Ti S TOE
ERCu 98.0 min 1.00 max 0.50 max 0.50 max 0.15 max 0.01 max 0.02 max 0.50 max
ERCuAl-A1 BAL 0.20 max 0.50 max 0.10 max 6.0-8.5 0.02 max 0.50 max
ERCuAl-A2 BAL 0.20 max 1.50 max 0.10 max 8.5-11.0 0.02 max 0.50 max
ERCuNi BAL 1.00 max 0.40-0.75 0.25 max 29.0-32.0 0.02 max 0.02 max 0.20-0.50 0.01 max 0.50 max
ERCuSi-A BAL 1.00 max 1.00 max 1.50 max 0.50 max 2.8-4.0 0.01 max 0.02 max 0.50 max
ERCuSn-A BAL 4.0-6.0 0.10-0.35 0.01 max 0.02 max 0.50 max

Copper-Zinc Filler Metals for Brazing

Copper-Zinc Filler Metals for Brazing


RBCuZn-A is used on steels, copper, copper alloys, nickel, nickel alloys, and stainless steel when corrosion resistance is not of importance. It is used with torch, furnace, and induction brazing processes.
Fluxing is generally required, and a borax-boric acid type flux is commonly used. Joint clearances from 0.002 in. to 0.005 in. [0.05 mm to 0.13 mm] are suitable.


RBCuZn-B (low-fuming brass-nickel) braze welding rods are similar to RBCuZn-A rods but contain additions of iron and manganese which serve to increase the hardness and strength.
The filler metal is used for brazing and braze welding of steel, cast iron, copper, copper alloys, nickel, nickel alloys, and stainless steel. RBCuZn-B filler metal also is used for the surfacing of steel.


RBCuZn-C is used on steels, copper, copper alloys, nickel, nickel alloys, and stainless steel. It is used with the torch, furnace, and induction brazing processes.
Fluxing is required, and a borax-boric acid flux is commonly used. Joint clearnaces from 0.002 in to 0.005 in [0.05 mm to 0.13 mm] are suitable.


RBCuZn-D (referred to as nickel silver) is primarily used for brazing tungsten carbide. It is also used with steel, nickel, and nickel alloys.
It can be used with all brazing processes. This filler metal is unsuitable for furnace brazing in a protective atmosphere.

Copper-Zinc Filler Metals for Brazing
Grade Nominal Chemical Composition (%) Melting Point Flow Point Brazing Temperature
Cu Zn Sn Fe Mn Ni P Pb Al Si TOEa °F °C °F °C °F °C
RBCuZn-A 57.0-61.0c BAL 0.25-1.00 * * 0.05*
* 0.50 maxb 1630 888 1650 899 1670-1750 910-954
RBCuZn-B 56.0-60.0c BAL 0.80-1.10 0.25-1.20 0.01-0.50 0.20-0.80d 0.05*
0.04-0.20 0.50 maxb 1590 866 1620 882 1620-1800 882-982
RBCuZn-C 56.0-60.0c BAL 0.80-1.10 0.25-1.20 0.01-0.50 0.05*
0.04-0.15 0.50 maxb 1590 866 1630 888 1670-1750 910-954
RBCuZn-D 46.0-50.0c BAL 9.0-11.0d 0.25
0.04-0.25 0.50 maxb 1690 921 1715 932 1720-1800 938-982

a The filler metal shall be analysed for those specific elements for which values or asteriks (*) are shown in this table. If the presence of other elements is indicated in the course of this work, the amount of those elements shall be determined to ensure their total does not exceed the limit specified in “Total Other Elements, TOE.”
b The total of all other elements, including those for which a maximum value or an asterisk (*) is shown, shall not exceed the value specified in “Total Other Elements, TOE.”
c Includes residual silver.
d Includes residual cobalt.