Military Specifications
Welding alloys are classified according to the MIL specifications.
Military specifications are provided with a brief description of an alloy which we carry that meets the demands of each given specification.
MIL-E-19933E Welding, Bare, Chromium & Chromium-Nickel Steels & Stainless Steels
MIL-E-21562E Welding, Bare, Nickel Alloy
MIL-E-22200/2 Welding, Covered, Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel
MIL-E-22200/3 Welding, Covered, Nickel Base Alloy & Cobalt Base Alloy
MIL-E-22200/4 Welding, Covered, Copper-Nickel Alloy
MIL-E-23765/1E Welding, Bare, Solid & Alloy Cored, Ordinary Strength & Low Alloy Steel
MIL-E-23765/2E Welding, Bare, Solid or Alloy Cored, Fluxes, Low Alloy Steel