Mild & Low Alloy Steel


ER70S-2 [ER48S-2] is primarily used for single-pass welding of killed, semi-killed, and rimmed steels, but may be used for some multipass applications. Because of the added deoxidants, these filler metals can be used for welding steels that have a rusty or dirty surface, with a possible sacrifice of weld quality depending on the condition of the surface. ER70S-2 [ER48S-2] filler metals are used extensively to produce high quality, high toughness welds with the GTAW process. These filler metals are also well suited for use in single side, melt through welding without a protective root shielding gas on the backside of the joint. Typical specifications for these steels are ASTM A 36, A285-C, A 515-55, and A 516-70, which have UNS numbers K02600, K02801, K02001, and K02700, respectively.


ER70S-3 [ER48S-3] are intended for welding single-pass and multi-pass welds. Typical base metal specifications are often the same as those for the ER70S-2 [ER48S-2] classification. Electrodes of the ER70S-3 [ER48S-3] classification are the most widely used of the GMAW electrodes classified under this specification.


ER70S-4 [ER48S-4] are intended for welding steel where conditions require more deoxidation then is provided by the ER70S-3 [ER48S-3] filler metal. Typical base metal specifications are often the same as those for the ER70S-2 [ER48S-2] classification. This classification does not require impact setting.


ER70S-6 [ER48S-6] are intended for both single- and multi-pass welding. They are especially suited for sheet metal applications, where smooth weld beads are desired, and structural and plate steels that have moderate amounts of rust or mill scale. These electrodes permit the use of higher current ranges with either CO2 (AWS A5.32 Class SG-C) shielding gas or with mixtures of argon and oxygen (AWS A5.32 Class SG-AC-Y). However, these electrodes do require a higher level of oxidation than the previously described electrodes when using either binary or ternary argon shielding gas mixtures per the AWS A5.32 specification. Typical base metal specifications are often the same as those for the “ER70S-2 [ER48S-2] classification.


ER70S-B2L [ER49S-B2L] are identical to type ER80S-B2 [ER55S-B2] except for the low-carbon content (0.05 percent maximum) and thus the lower strength levels. This also reduces hardness and under some conditions improves corrosion resistance. This alloy exhibits greater resistance to cracking and is more suitable for welds to be left in the as-welded condition or when the accuracy of the postweld heat treatment operation is questionable. This classification was previously ER80S-B2L in the A5.28-79 specification. The strength requirements and classification designator have been changed to reflect the true strength capabilities of the chemical composition.


ER80S-B2 [ER55S-B2] are used to weld ½Cr-½Mo, 1Cr-½Mo, and 1-¼Cr-½Mo steels for elevated temperatures and corrosive service. They are also used for joining dissimilar combinations of Cr-Mo and carbon steels. All transfer modes of the GMAW process may be used. Careful control of preheat, interpass temperatures, and postheat is essential to avoid cracking. These electrodes are classified after postweld heat treatment. Special care must be used when using them in the as-welded condition due to higher strength levels.


ER80S-B3L [ER55-B3L] are identical to type ER90S-B3 [ER62S-B3] except for the low-carbon content (0.05 percent maximum) and, therefore, the lower strength levels. These alloys exhibit greater resistance to cracking and are more suitable for welds to be left in the as-welded condition. This classification was previously ER90S-B3L in the AWS A5.28-79 specification. The strength requirements and classification designator have been changed to reflect the true strength capabilities of the chemical composition.


ER80S-B6 [ER55S-B6] contains about 4.5 to 6.0 percent chromium and about 0.5 percent molybdenum. It is used for welding material of similar composition, usually in the form of pipe or tubing. This alloy is an air-hardening material and, therefore, when welding with this filler metal, preheat and postweld heat treatment are required. This electrode is similar to that previously classified as ER502 in AWS A5.9-93.


ER80S-B8 [ER55S-B8] contains 8.0 to 10.5 percent chromium and about 1.0 percent molybdenum. Filler metal of this classification is used for welding base metal of similar compositions, usually in the form of pipe or tubing. The alloy is an air-hardening material, and therefore, when welding with this filler metal, preheating, and postweld heat treatment are required. This electrode is similar to that previously classified as ER505 in AWS A5.9-93.


ER80S-D2 [ER55S-D2] and ER90S-D2 [ER62S-D2] classifications have the same chemical requirements as the E70S-1B classification of AWS A5.18-69. The differences between the ER80S-D2 and the ER90S-D2 classifications are the change in shielding gas and the mechanical property requirements. Filler metals of these classifications contain molybdenum for increased strength and a high level of deoxidizers (Mn and Si) to control porosity when welding with CO2 (AWS A5.32 Class SG-C) as the shielding gas. They will give radiographic quality welds with excellent bead appearance in both ordinary and difficult-to-weld carbon and low-alloy steels. They exhibit excellent out-of-position welding characteristics with the short circuiting and pulsed arc processes.
The combination of weld soundness and strength makes filler metals of these classifications suitable for single- and multiple-pass welding of a variety of carbon and low-alloy, higher strength steels in both the as-welded and postweld heat-treated conditions. The chemical composition of these classifications differs from those of the “-D2” type electrodes in AWS A5.5.


ER90S-B3 [ER62S-B3] is used to weld 2-¼Cr-1Mo steels used for high-temperature/high-pressure piping and pressure vessels. These may also be used for joining combinations of Cr-Mo and carbon steel. All GMAW modes may be used. Careful control of preheat, interpass temperatures, and postweld heat treatment is essential to avoid cracking. These electrodes are classified after postweld heat treatment. Special care must be used when using them in the as-welded condition due to higher strength levels.


ER90S-D2 [ER62S-D2] and ER80S-D2 [ER55S-D2] classifications have the same chemical requirements as the E70S-1B classification of AWS A5.18-69. The differences between the ER80S-D2 and the ER90S-D2 classifications are the change in shielding gas and the mechanical property requirements. Filler metals of these classifications contain molybdenum for increased strength and a high level of deoxidizers (Mn and Si) to control porosity when welding with CO2 (AWS A5.32 Class SG-C) as the shielding gas. They will give radiographic quality welds with excellent bead appearance in both ordinary and difficult-to-weld carbon and low-alloy steels. They exhibit excellent out-of-position welding characteristics with the short circuiting and pulsed arc processes.
The combination of weld soundness and strength makes filler metals of these classifications suitable for single- and multiple-pass welding of a variety of carbon and low-alloy, higher strength steels in both the as-welded and postweld heat-treated conditions. The chemical composition of these classifications differs from those of the “-D2” type electrodes in AWS A5.5.

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Alloy 8620

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