AWS A5.8 BAu-6

Gold Filler Metals for Brazing, Welding Wire — BAu-6


BAu-6 is used to join steels, stainless steels, nickel based alloys and other materials, where ductility and resistance to oxidation or corrosion is necessary. Gold filler metals readily wet most base metals, including the super alloys, and are especially good for brazing thin sections due to their low interaction with the base metal. Good for Super alloys and Stainless Steel. High ductility and strength. We recommend a maximum brazing temperature of 2050°F.

Those containing nickel may be used at higher temperatures.


Nominal Chemical Composition (%) Melting Point Flow Point
Au Ni Pd Cu TOE °F °C °F °C
70.0 22.0 8.0 1845 1007 1915 1046