AWS 5.14 ERNiCrFeAl-1

INCONEL® Filler Metal 53MD

INCONEL® Filler Metal 53MD is used for the gas-tungsten-arc and gas-metal-arc welding of INCONEL® 693, and the overlaying of carbon steels and stainless steels to provide a nickel-chromium-aluminum alloy corrosion resistant surface. The high chromium and aluminum levels provide excellent resistance to metal dusting in chemical and petrochemical applications. The product also provides excellent resistance to carburization, sulfidation, and other high temperature corrosion forms.

This product contains Baron and Zirconium to minimize the tendency for ductility-dip cracking, while it is especially resistant to oxide “floaters” and inclusions.


AWS A5.14 as classification ERNiCrFeAl-1 (UNS N06693)

Nominal Chemical Composition (%)
Ni C Mn Fe S Si Cu Cr Al Ti Co Nb+Ta P Others
Remainder 0.15 max 1.0 max 2.5 to 6.0 0.01 max 0.50 max 0.30 max 27.0 to 31.0 2.5 to 4.0 max 1.0 max 0.12 max 0.50 to 2.5 0.3 max 0.50 max
Minimum Mechanical Properties
Tensile Strength (psi) 110,000
Tensile Strength (MPA) 760
Elongation (4d) % 45